Category Archives: Technology

The IOT-entrepreneurship link

IT Web – Image credit: Dong Wenjie | Getty Images South Africa has the makings of a very strong entrepreneurial class. Despite near-consistent challenges, such as a flagging economy and uncertainty around necessary infrastructure, South Africans still pursue their ambitions for running their own businesses. The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) confirms this in its 2018 […]

The Internet is no longer a disruptive technology

Tech Central Internet-enabled industry disruption defined business strategy in the 2010s, but as 2020 begins, that era appears to be winding down. The disruptors have largely become the new establishment, and unlike a decade ago, it doesn’t look like the new leaders will be displaced any time soon. Today’s Internet is a mature and mainstream technology. […]

Why moving to the cloud doesn’t need to be costly for small business

IT News Africa Migration to the cloud is becoming common practice for businesses across the globe, moving from a nice-to-have to a standard business resource, allowing applications and information to be processed on servers belonging to 3rd parties accessed through the internet. Yet, almost half of South Africa’s small businesses still aren’t using cloud technology. Business […]

How data management is changing

As data and workloads transition to the cloud, data management best practices become increasingly important in guiding how businesses manage the data and use it across the entire organisation. That’s the view of Sherrine Green-Thompson, SmarterData area lead at open source enterprise solutions company, Obsidian Systems, who says this is especially important in the hybrid cloud environment, and […]

Facial recognition learns to recognise emotions

IT-Online New AI facial expression recognition technology detects subtle changes in facial expression with a high degree of accuracy, giving machines the ability to correctly judge humans’ emotions. The new technology was developed by Fujitsu Laboratories and Fujitsu Laboratories of America in collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science. One of the obstacles […]

SEACOM cutting off ISPs – “Nothing other than corporate greed”

MyBroadBand SEACOM’s decision to change its peering policy in South Africa from free and open peering to selective peering is “nothing other than corporate greed”. This is the view of an ISP executive who said SEACOM’s decision is commercial and incongruous with its previous statements. As part of its recent peering policy change, SEACOM de-peered many […]

Smart cities top Gartner’s hype cycle for Africa

ITWeb Smart city frameworks, the Internet of things (IOT) and low earth orbit satellite systems are the three technologies that will transform business in Africa within 10 years, says Gartner. To help business leaders discern what emerging technologies will be commercially viable, each year the Gartner Hype Cycle plots new technologies on a hype graph and highlights trends. This […]

Trends that are transforming the ICT channel

The distribution game is changing significantly. Twenty years ago, it was about box dropping, but the ongoing digitisation of practically every industry is leading organisations to demand new ways for products and services to be delivered. By Jacques Malherbe, chief technology officer of Axiz The industry has also become more inherently competitive. All the top […]