BBC NEWS Meta has announced new privacy features for WhatsApp users. Users will be able to leave group chats silently, control who can see their online status and block screenshots on View Once messages. Meta chief executive Mark Zuckerberg said this would help keep WhatsApp messaging “as private and secure as face-to-face conversations”. It will […]
Category Archives: Security
IT ONLINE A massive 530 million of the most significant breaches during the past year were emails, while 25% of the breaches included phone numbers. Privacy protection company Surfshark analyzed 5,3-billion data points from the most significant breaches of the past year, including Facebook, Wattpad and Raychat, and uncovered how they differ in scale, density […]
IT WEB A staggering 78% of senior IT and IT security leaders believe their organisations do not have adequate protection against cyber attacks, despite increased IT security investments made last year to deal with work-from-home challenges. This was revealed by a new IDG Research Services survey commissioned by Insight Enterprises, a global integrator of intelligent […]
TECH CENTRAL – photo credit: Steve Buissinne More than 40% of victims of ransomware attacks in South Africa pay the cybercriminals responsible to try to secure or recover their data. But in many cases, the crooks simply disappear with the money. This is according to a new report from security firm Kaspersky, which said 42% […]
IT WEB Researchers from Check Point Research have revealed that the Emotet trojan has returned to first place in the top malware list, impacting 7% of organisations around the world, following a spam campaign which targeted over 100 000 users per day during the holiday season. Check Point’s latest Global Threat Index for December 2020, […]
IT WEB British Airways has informed the court of its plans to settle compensation claims for customers affected by its two notorious data breaches in 2018, to avoid further court action. In July 2019, the UK Information Commissioner’s Office issued a notice of intention to fine the airline a record £183m over the breach. However, […]
IT WEB While many countries battle a second wave of COVID-19 infections, cyber criminals remain undeterred, with security firm Check Point witnessing a spike in attacks targeted at healthcare organisations. Last year also saw cyber attacks targeted at companies and government organisations distributing COVID-19 vaccines. Check Point says since its October 2020 report, which showed […]
MY BROADBAND Details of the top earners in Mirror Trading International (MTI) have been exposed in a new data breach. A group or individual identifying themselves as “Anonymous” has taken credit for leaking the data. Unlike the original “MTILeaks” that were published on the dark web in September, this new cache of data is published […]
MY BROADBAND WhatsApp has faced global backlash after publishing an addendum to its privacy policy, which users will be required to accept by 8 February 2021 to continue using the application. Among the changes to WhatsApp’s terms of service and privacy policy is a clause that allows Facebook to share data from WhatsApp across its […]
IT WEB The turmoil brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic will bring along many structural and strategic changes, not only in our daily lives but in the realm of targeted attacks too, due to a far broader attack surface. Kaspersky’s Global Research and Analysis Team (GReAT) says we can expect new attack vectors to emerge, […]